Sunday, September 28, 2008

Small Update, Big Week

Where has the time gone? September slipped in and out faster than I think it has in years. I guess I have been very busy this month but I think I could use another week before school starts to get some things finished up.

While my camera and I still seem to be at odds with my mini earrings, I did get this lovely book to the right photographed and in the Etsy store for sale. I love the fabric it's made from and have been thinking about going back to get more to make a skirt out of, but I don't think it will hang right it's kind of a stiff fabric.... but I'm still thinking about it.

School starts Monday and I'm starting to get the first day of school jitters! Tuesday will end my current series of classes at M.E.C.C.A, which has been a great experience for me. I am thinking about offering the introduction class again as well as class on the ribbon hinge books. I need to get a hold of my school schedule first and see how often my exams are spaced out.

I've also started to work on my Portfolio for grad school application. They have changed the application criteria since I've last looked, you only get to submit 1 object and then build an image showcase of your work. You can either send a CD with images or a website- I've started work on an online gallery. I'm trying to decide if I want to keep it hosted with Mac or try to buy a domain and pay for a hosting service. The good news is I have a month or so decide before my trial with Mac is up.


chelsea said...

gorgeous new book! I love the fabric. I say go for the skirt! Maybe some pleats would help it hang nice!

Kiley said...

Pleats might help but also sound way above my skill level... maybe I'll go buy the fabric and wait until Christmas break to figure out the logistics.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kiley

Great new book, I love the fabric too, it looks a little like it might be shot fabric (highlights in other colour?)

As for the website idea, would this blog count? I have seen someone else use a blog for this purpose, don't ask me where, I have been trying to remember.



Kiley said...

Hi Billie!
I don't think the fabric is a shot fabric-not that I have a a clue what it would look like-it's just not cotton so it's got a nice sheen to it.

This blog won't work, because I love all my blog friends too much this blog is way to personal.
I'm working on something that's more of an interactive album format.